what’s the deal with snc lavalin? is it really a scandal? three women have resigned from justin trudeau’s caucus in the wake of allegations that he pressured then justice minister and attorney general Jody Wilson-Raybould to pursue a deferred prosecution agreement for snc lavalin who have been involved in all sorts of corruption and bribery scandals around the world. Trudeau denies pressuring JWR and claims that he was doing his job to stand up for canadian jobs and canadian workers. is he full of shit? is it fair to create an ultimatum between jobs and law and order? is he not the woke feminist we thought he was? in this episode of lower case truth, maggie speaks to historian and political commentator Christo Aivalis about the snc lavalin debacle, the upcoming federal election and how we get out of a lesser of two evils politics. as the conservatives, ndp, liberals, and green party try to differentiate themselves in the wake of this scandal and gear up for the election, how do we tell who is genuine and who isn’t? don’t all politicians lie?